Slow progress

Well Gracie seems to have calmed down. I’ve also moved to put their hay in a litter box and changing it three times a day – since i have plenty of hay anyhow. It is strange; sometimes they run out before the four weeks are up (that’s how often the order comes) and sometimes it…

Goodbye Minnie…

Well, my dear friend Minnie has gone to the Lord. We went as a group to her funeral, and I drove Emma in my car. It was a beautiful service – she had 17 great grandchildren from two children. Plus other members of the family. They had a screen with photos of her at different…


Mum’s annuity stopped. I can still do okay, whether or not I move. Because while in my house I am not paying a mortgage. When I get into those apartments, yes I’ll be paying rent. But not homeowner’s insurance, water and trash bill will drop by about $30/month, electric will be half what it is…

Income changes…

A little writing before bed. Not sure, but I think the annuity I get from mum just stopped. That’s fine, I was kind of expecting it. Actually it may help get me higher on the list for the apartment I want – since they are based on income. Moving will save me about that much…

Rainy Day

Was going to put stuff in car for storage, but it’s raining. I’ve spent the last two days doing other than staying home and working because helping others. So I’m behind on just about everything. Which makes me feel completely muddled in the head – I do not do well with prioritizing when *everything* needs…

Realized I had not written in a while. People’s worrying. Sorry! Filling in stuff as I think about it this morning. Most know I bought a guitar. Came with lessons DVD, case, strap and tuner. Have not had time yet to look at lessons, unfortunately. But I have it and am happy about that. It…

I took down the parts to the metal shelves in my bedroom today. Plan on moving them to the storage tomorrow. It may be hot in which case I will put them together some other day. Got a call from my daughter and also my best friend Emma today. Apparently it skipped my mind that…