Relaxed day.

Got dressed this morning and went right down to SC with my coffee. I got there just as my friends were arriving. I guess they are doing a diabetes program, but it didn’t start until just before I was leaving. I picked up next month’s calendar. Again, I will probably only go to a couple…

Colorado off my list

So yesterday I got a check for the Colorado property, and deposited it. This morning I paid off the loan so I am debt free again, with some left over. Guess I haven’t written much in the past week. I’ve been writing in 2L a bit, and writing (some) amount of poetry. But mostly I…

Foggy yesterday

Find myself rather sleepy today, for no apparent reason. Still I got dressed this morning and did things. This afternoon I did laps around the park to my music and then sat and had a tiny snack while listening to a little more. It was very windy, but not cold and the sky was variably…


I first wrote poetry at the ripe old age of 12. My mother gave me the scrap of paper she’d saved over the years with my first real poem. (I’d written a poem in 3rd grade which I can only describe as doggerel.) So this scrap of paper held the starting words of “Introspection is…

Still good

Got rid of some more stuff out of the house. I have some things to take for the church yard sale ready to go, and some things I just put into storage. It’s lightening the load around here a bit, so I was able to get back on the piano and do some chores I…

Been having fun

I’ve been enjoying SecondLife for the past week. Except for home chores and the busyness of sorting and clearing out, I spend most of my time doing design work. I scanned a few things into the computer to put in my “house” and areas and have a few more of those to work on. I’m…

Been a week!

My goodness, it’s been a week since I posted. I’ll start with last night. I got confused as to when the Thursday service was, so I was ready early and went up to Church. Then I saw nobody was showing up except the pastor, so I searched online and found that it is NEXT week…

Went to Bible Study

It is the rare occasion when I am able to have deep discussions with people, on an intellectual level. I find that most people want to talk about what’s on tv, what’s happening in the news, or things on a personal level – what have you done lately, how’s your health, etc. (or theirs). So…

Spring has Sprung

This morning I picked daffodils and took them down to the senior center for them to enjoy. They bloom in a spot I cannot see out my windows unless I stand right there. So I figured someone might enjoy them other than I. Energy is getting better and I got good sleep last night. Not…

Low Energy day

Not feeling all that well today – I got started okay, but I am feeling like I won’t get much done. Weight has gone down again and that’s good at least. But I’m just not up to par. I suppose I need to eat breakfast – have not done that yet. I think it is…