
Southern Tastes

I would have thought my Northerner parents would have realized I was aligned with my Southern Ancestors at the age of five. I was at a babysitters house down the street and had my first sweet potato with dinner. They came to pick me up and I did NOT want to leave. I rebelled. They…

”The Plan”

So the plan is to get the lot I bought cleared and neat and a couple of large and quite a few small trees removed. Then, I have a lot of outdoor stuff to transfer over there, as I’m getting plans firmed up for a storage shed and tossing out lots of papers and clothing…

New Host, New Start

I’ve migrated to a new host and this is a new start to a blog that has been going a few years. Nothing terribly interesting going on as yet except that day before yesterday I received the deed to my “project” and they finally have it on the county GIS website. (That is the official…