

So yesterday I saw an ad for an apartment. I don’t know if they have any available at the moment (the ad was a month old) but it looks similar to a place I lived when the kids were little. I’ve decided I want to get on their waiting list, and I have the money…


snow finally came

These were my steps this morning after partially cleared… Got the steps done and out behind the car. I don’t have to go anywhere today and that’s a blessing. I’ve decided to move a bunch (probably about a 3rd) of my stuff to storage this spring. This will mostly consist of papers to sort, videotapes,…

No church tomorrow.

We’re supposed to have ice on the roads so no church tomorrow. Good because there are some things I need to work on here in the house. Also I’d like to get back into oculus a bit, using VZfit again. I’ve been lax – and it shows. I got a new headset that will work…

New Year’s Evening

After all the other stuff, I’ve been watching and learning from the Blender video. Practiced a little bit by adding beveled edge to the enlarged cube. . 4mx4mx.5m size with bevels on all corners. Kind of nifty looking, so I kept it. Might be useful. I started to learn Blender once long ago, but then…

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New Year’s Day

Watching video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCHjcr1Gb3g I’m really enjoying the video, as they are talking about things I know about. (I’m currently fitting it in between all the other things I do.) Of course I love “Lord of the Rings”, so when they talk about that I can relate immediately. I read it first when I was 13…

The last day

Got up early this morning to shower and dress to pick up my senior friend and get to church. Good Service. Then I came home and ate lunch and took a nap pretty much. When I woke up at Five PM, I felt much revived. My church was having a “walk-in” communion from 5:30pm to…

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Why I decided to put effort into Second Life

The thing is, I’m getting older and Second Life affords me the option to “have a life” no matter how disabled I might get (even if eyesight fails, current computers can be voice activated and follow instructions. Being that I know how the Second Life economy works, once a start-up gets going – if managed…


Christmas Day

So while hanging out in the virtual world, I made myself a three egg cheese omelet for breakfast this morning. Lunch is sort of “as you wish”. Not sure about dinner. I’d order out but Facebook people say only Chinese is open (as expected). I will make cookies later, but dinner… Perhaps I’ll cook a…