Got in touch with haulers

Yesterday I went to the property, pulled out from the trashed washing machine all the clothing I had removed hanging on the pile of demolished house and put it into a contractor type trash bag. It was full before I got to the end.

I also got in touch with the hauling people. They said they might be able to come today, but otherwise asap (we are expecting much rain this weekend and possible snow on Monday). I sent photos and the guy said “Holy Moly!” lol I added that I may not want it all removed all at once and that mainly I need to get the pile down to manageable size and that I want to reclaim some of the wood for flower beds and such. He said that’s right up their alley. So I wait to find out how much, how quickly. Mainly the “trashy stuff” I need to get out (things left by squatters before the house next door was occupied and the house demolished).

I intended to go back today and remove the rest of the clothing from the washer, but I woke up cold (temperature dropped 40 degrees overnight) and I’m not dealing with that too well. So I’m working on genealogy (more on that in another post), sorting papers and slowly doing my chores this morning. I’ve got my “happy light” on and a heated throw over me. I am not inclined to take a shower this morning.

I will probably not work on the property when it’s less than 50 degrees, so on the other days (like this) I will sort papers and continue the decluttering process. Yesterday I found dad’s Purple Heart life member card in dad’s papers mum had given me. I used to have his purple heart but it was stolen when my house was burglarized in Colorado. But I have the card and the number on it. At least that is what I think the Purple Heart Life Member card has. I don’t remember what, if anything, was on the back of the medal – some have names, some have numbers on the side, some have nothing – apparently.

Got distracted. Thinking about Dad’s purple heart and how I had it at one time. But it’s not been in the box of medals anytime I have looked. I don’t know if the burglars took it when my Colorado house was emptied, or if it was already gone before. Lots of possibilities. I think they should put serial numbers on them ALWAYS and prohibit selling them. Anyway I went on a long web search to see what I could find. Nothing turned up. There is an organization seeking to reunite families with their purple hears and I will sometime list Dad’s on there. But I have to find out where he got it first. I’m sure it was before the ceremony I went to where Nixon was there, and probably before I was even born.

But enough time wasted…. back to work. sigh…

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