New Host, New Start

I’ve migrated to a new host and this is a new start to a blog that has been going a few years. Nothing terribly interesting going on as yet except that day before yesterday I received the deed to my “project” and they finally have it on the county GIS website. (That is the official version of where all properties are and who they belong to.) So I can get started on that as well.

I really want to move, but can’t right now. So I filled a whole bag of papers last night to go into trash and shredder. I’ll be working on that every night, until it is down to minimal. This means throwing away much of my writing, especially papers I wrote for college – but nobody cares about those right?

You don’t plan for old age when you are young or middle age. You save things of your history because you are full of self-importance and believe that someone is going to see your old stuff and say “Oh look! Mom’s old college papers she got all A’s on”. But no, those kids have their own achievements and those are what they would save, if they save anything.

Matthew 6:19-21 KJV
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
KJV: King James Version

We take nothing with us and we leave with our own ideas about how life was and no one can change that. So it’s also no use to save anything that “sets the record straight” or that explains our actions. What others think does not matter. God knows. And we are instructed to “let it all go”. So if it doesn’t have value to another and doesn’t add to our current life, I’m letting it go. That way I can actually get to the things that DO. Like the piano. Like genealogy. Like writing. Like my adoptive family that I see more of.

(As a side note: It seem to me that when my entire family moved away from where we were in Colorado, that’s where I started to lose hold. Repetition of my childhood where everyone else left home.)

Better get on with my day. Now that I’m actually in charge of my property, there are many things to do.

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