Colorado off my list

So yesterday I got a check for the Colorado property, and deposited it. This morning I paid off the loan so I am debt free again, with some left over.

Guess I haven’t written much in the past week. I’ve been writing in 2L a bit, and writing (some) amount of poetry. But mostly I am trying to stay on balance. I’ve got stuff loaded in the car to go to storage and I may do that soon today. Won’t take long.

Yesterday I wanted to get out, so I picked up dinner at the Deli and had a barbeque sandwich and sweet potato fries, with a small chocolate milk and a desert of Key Lime pie. I sat at the park and ate it. I didn’t have my music with me or I would have taken a walk.

Monday I have two medical appointments. One for a CT scan, and one for a bone density test. I have been having quite a few hand cramps and some foot cramps lately. Not overwhelming – I can still not let it show most of the time, but slightly worrisome.

But I’m glad the CO place is off my back. I will sort of miss knowing it’s there, but the good part is not having to pay taxes every year for something I’m not using (and can’t drive up to in my car – need a truck or 4 wheel for that). And I still have the land here, which I should also get to cleaning up soon – as I’m figuring out where to move next.

I bought a ticket to a band coming to our theater next month. Just on a whim. For “some reason” Facebook has been sending me band announcements and ads for guitar stuff. Which got me thinking. A few months ago, I bought a mini guitar with a booklet at Barnes and Noble – one of their “kits” in the sale aisle. I went so far as tuning it, but when I started instructions on playing I can’t fit my fingers where they should go. Probably made for a child’s fingers. So oh well, I should give in and get a normal size one.

I’ve had a guitar a couple times in my life. Once when I was married the first time, because that was the steel string acoustic my parents gave me for Christmas one year. And later I had a nylon acoustic that I got when I started taking lessons with Tony Saks. (The lessons that only lasted six months – and by the time I could get back to that, we were moving back to California.)

So I would like to try again – especially once I get more stuff cleared out and not so busy in here. I have a local friend who plays/and played in a band, but I don’t know if he gives lessons. But first I have to buy an adult guitar. (different meaning that SL, haha).

I’m having late breakfast today. And I’m sleepy – I didn’t sleep a lot last night, I kept peeking online after already staying up late. So I guess I’d best get to making coffee. But it’s sunny right now and that feels good. This house is like a cave except when the sun comes in the front windows just right. Also I have to feed the piggies.

Piggies are fine. Sammy is getting finicky with his veggies again. Stopped eating carrots so much, so I’ve switched him to celery and lettuce while the others eat carrots in the mornings. I’ll have another look at his teeth sometime today. I checked last week and they looked alright but I will check again.

Well, going to eat breakfast now and then think about what I want to accomplish online today…

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