I took down the parts to the metal shelves in my bedroom today. Plan on moving them to the storage tomorrow. It may be hot in which case I will put them together some other day. Got a call from my daughter and also my best friend Emma today. Apparently it skipped my mind that we had bingo at the Ruritan today.

I was busy in 2L. Getting ready to move my store – well I did set it up but haven’t moved out the old one. It’s been a while trying to sell the Estemere 2nd life property, so I ditched it today rather than keep paying tier for it. A week or two from now, I will be out of paying Linden tier and just “renting” (Buy then pay weekly tier) from others. 2L Partner has not returned so Sunday I will “de-partner” myself. Meanwhile the animesh dancer does just fine for clubbing.

Still no word on the apartment. I’ll wait until the end of the month and then start doing more looking. I may be on a waiting list.

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