
Being as… the person I like on 2nd life partnered with me and promptly disappeared again, and
being as I’m sure he wouldn’t “want” to be cruel and make me wait around…
I have decided to pretty much be offworld until he comes back because…
Other than work (most of which I do offworld) and RL, there’s no reason to be on without someone to dance with and go places. So…
I’m concentrating on that and RL. I’ll be able to tell when he comes back via the web indicators, but I don’t need to be inworld with all the chatter.

So today I am finally moving a set of shelves into storage – where I have been putting boxes and other stuff. I am paid up through the end of August. But I may pick up a second this month because I only got the small size. I’m also picking up an application for the apartments where my friends live. I just hope I will have enough privacy over there. It will certainly be convenient to grocery stores and the place where I get my coffee.

And thinking of taking a drive to the Blue Ridge this month, depending on how things go.

In other notes, my right foot has suddenly started to swell up at times: mostly when sitting. I am doing some testing – not sure if it’s too much salt intake (I don’t salt my food, but many prepared foods and popcorn have salt), a developed allergy to strawberries, psoriatic arthritis, or something else. In any case, the right foot is just fine. It started after the CT scan, so I also wonder if something happened there. The IV thing being put in pinched and it felt like something hard was in there for a while. It’s gone now, but I still wonder about that, because I have never had a problem with pain or pinching in that vein with iv or blood testing.

Anyway, so today I’d better get on with it…

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