Realized I had not written in a while. People’s worrying. Sorry! Filling in stuff as I think about it this morning.

Most know I bought a guitar. Came with lessons DVD, case, strap and tuner. Have not had time yet to look at lessons, unfortunately. But I have it and am happy about that. It may help sustain me while things are in flux.

My application is in at the apartments I want to go to (safety and social reasons). Waiting to hear back. I put the application in at the beginning of the month. Will call next Tuesday to see if I am on the list and how far down if possible.

I met a new female friend on SL. We talked voice from about 9am to 5pm – both needed to log off to eat something! lol. But we have a lot in common. She’s an artist in both lives and getting well known in SL. So cool what she does. Anyway, we had good talk (voice) – I was lucky I didn’t have to go anywhere that day and so we had time to spend.

Things are getting cluttered at home because I keep pulling out things to sort and of course don’t know where to put them while making decisions. Some things have to go to storage and those go by the front door. So it’s a mess while I am trying to do so much. My brain is a mess too. I keep meeting people in Secondlife and deciding those relationships are just not going to work, so it clutters my brain too. Especially with all the todo’s going on in there.

I get too much email already and now I get notices from SL from SecondLife messages when I am offline. I need to unsubscribe from lots of things. No need to get Dunkin sales messages every other day or so – we don’t have the full store in town. Hamricks – I love their clothing but they are in Roanoke and I don’t go there unless I go with the senior center. And not lately because I have too many clothes as it is. That doesn’t sound like much but there are several video things I subscribe to that send me a message every time a new one is out. I won’t even go into the political junk!

It’s noon and I haven’t even finished my “morning” todo list… I’ma going to go to storage and get that done, so I have the rest of the day for everything else.

Strange: I was listening to a Pink song on the way home (“Who Knew) and it reminded me that I haven’t had any dreams about my 2nd ex-husband in quite a long time > maybe six months to a year or more. I used to have them all the time; rehashing old stuff, some “almost” closeness, things like that. Maybe it’s been as long as when I got baptized in the lake because time has flown so fast since then it is possible it has been longer. Maybe that’s another thing that was cured. 🙂 It also could be because I don’t sleep as long. My normal is less than six hours now where I used to sleep seven or eight. That may be due to the Cpap.

Thinking of Cpap – I was going to stop using it, it is so annoying. But my new friend said she had another friend who didn’t want to use hers and her mate kept bugging her about it and one night she told him she wasn’t gonna. And the next morning she had stopped breathing in her sleep. They rushed her to the hospital but it was too late. Sigh. So I guess I’m not going to stop – at least not until I’m actually done with things I need to do and I’m much older and “ready” to leave. But it is annoying. I am always getting messages from the cpap people about whether my supplies need to be re-ordered and if my tubing is okay because the machine senses leaks during the night. Well it leaks BECAUSE MY NOSE ITCHES! I have allergies and of course air leaks out when I get in there to rub my nose or take a drink of water during the night.

I also get too many messages constantly asking me to re-order. They send me four months worth of supplies and then start in on one month asking if I need more. So irritating. The last time I asked that they not call for two more months and the guy said he’d put it on a list. But I still get calls because it’s a two different names company.

I did get the shelf put into storage a bit ago and a couple more things put in storage. Having a bite before I go on to more chores – like piggy cages. I’m having a hard time keeping up with them. It’s important in this weather because more flies and bugs around.

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