Post Thunderstorm Sunday

Had church this morning after picking up my friend. We did prayer over prayer cloths made by a former member (left when the UMC made it’s decision to change policy). Actually we (the church) are leaving UMC as well but that process won’t be completed until probably December. In the meantime, we heard that someone in West Virginia needed more prayer cloths and so those were picked up and we prayed over them as a congregation.

Yesterday I took a 5 shelf set over to the storage and rearranged things. I still have room left, but I will still need to rent another one before moving. I am picking up an application tomorrow – they have three empty apartments at present. I am apprised that water and trash are included, so that saves me the $80/month I am paying now. Plus I won’t have the cost of homeowner’s insurance once I sell the house. As well, the place deducts any medical bills you pay yourself, so that will help.

I’ve no worries about acceptance. Fica is tiptop and I have no real debt except what I sometimes use during the month and pay off either that month or with the next deposit. It’s mostly a question on whether I will like living in a place where some people will notice every time you come and go. (But it’s kind of true that happens here also anyway. lol) The advantage is that I will get out more – shopping at Ollie’s within walking distance, so are a couple of thrift stores. And the new grocery store (with Starbucks) just a few blocks down the road. Not going down stairs will make it more likely that I will get out, plus there are decent places to walk nearby. (And the Y will be closer, so I may start going there as well.)

So I’m packing up another box with some throw blankets and all the purses I am not using currently (about half of what I had before donations). In the next phase, I need to get to taking the top off the bunk bed. Whether I will ever use it again or sell the whole thing and get a new bed (or take to sleeping in a chair like my mother did) is unknown. It would certainly save space. It’ll be a one bedroom I will be going to, once accepted. There are two normal size closets, which may well work for me.

I’m doing the work as I can. Some days like today (which is Sunday anyhow) are too humid, so I do easy stuff like throwing things into a box. The next task is to go through the shelves in the piggie’s room and decide what to keep/store/donate. I’ve spoiled them terribly, so there is a lot of extra stuff. Wooden blocks they never really took to, extra water bottles that leaked and etc. (I am using all glass bottles now – they don’t leak.) Also some craft stuff.

I get the piggy hay every month in large Chewy boxes and filling and stacking those will be an easy process. I have one I need to empty right now since they just got a new shipment.

Anyway, that’s all that is going on currently. Everything in 2nd life is rather on hold, except for getting clothing on sale for each of the four “alternates”. I’ve discovered I need to give permissions for them to move stuff and other things without having to have the group activated. (When I don’t want to be on myself but need some things done in the two sims.)

OH! And I bought the “Holodeck maker the other day.” They have one where you can rez the included scenes and they have another where you can create and save (and even sell) your own scenes. Everything in it has to be copy/mod – but I can use things I bought as well as things I created. I will have to go in and share it with my group though, as I don’t want to be inworld as myself right now.

Still it should be fun to play with – different backgrounds as in mirror boxes, with things I can rez up to use and then take back down. Such as making an amusement park which then closes back up when I type “end program”. It’s all scripting – but inworld it works just like the Holodeck in Star Trek TNG. I can sit there and go from beach to forest to nightclub to space and from medieval housing to futuristic.

Just wish it was that way real life. Actually I’d be happy with paper monitor walls and accompanying sounds. Sometimes I use the big tv that way (fireplace in the winter), but most often I get into oculus and sit in the rain forest cave. And every so often going into 2nd life through oculus (that’s 180 degrees on Bigscreen – but better things are coming along).

And I don’t need anything I keep merely to look at. I can always see it inworld or even in jpg form on my tv through the computer. Well enough writing. I have work to do and a bunch of textures to upload.

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