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Why I decided to put effort into Second Life

The thing is, I’m getting older and Second Life affords me the option to “have a life” no matter how disabled I might get (even if eyesight fails, current computers can be voice activated and follow instructions. Being that I know how the Second Life economy works, once a start-up gets going – if managed well – a person can *at least* make enough Lindens to “pay for” their membership. (And Lindens can translate into real money – or at least into the fake money the Fed prints out).

I don’t need to take anything out of the account and will likely spend everything I get – even if I buy a private estate in Second Life. At this point I am spending way more; but I am enjoying it and it keeps my brain in top shape. And I get too busy chatting to eat, so it may help my RL shape as well.

And it won’t interfere with other things. I can do SL while crafting, or art or any other home activity that doesn’t being away from the keyboard. Since I’m not disabled (yet), I can take time off for Senior Group activities and come back right to where I was. Automatic scripts take care of everything once set up – like most online businesses in and out of Second Life. As long as you have internet, you’re good. Some people run a business from their iPads – especially on Etsy. I started a Cafepress.com business years ago, but have not tended to it. Once the SL rental biz gets going, I will get back to that.

I love the town I live in, but there’s not many people (especially my age) that I can talk about computers with. Everyone is on Facebook, but that’s as far as it goes – and mostly from cellphones at that. It’s rather like genealogy: lots of people have “dabbled” in it but few are in serious pursuit of their family history.

So this is preparatory for a future in which I *might* be homebound. I’m not now (and I do get out, but not as frequently in the winter) but I know that might happen as I age and bones get frail. I’ll also need to prepare for when I can’t take the porch stairs anymore and need to live on one floor. Keeping an eye out for an opportunity like that already. But again, I’m in GREAT health and really have no limitations. (Ask me about kayaking 14 miles!)

And it’s nice to meet people from across the country, especially as I might be able to travel when I have fewer (or no) guinea pigs. I’m getting lots of ideas about places to travel to for sightseeing, and being reminded of places I have been to that I would like to go again. And if I can’t I can always use VR to take me there: like visiting my old stomping grounds in streetview while on the exercycle. Closest thing to “being there” and seeing what things are like. Also a good way to examine potential land or home purchases, I recommend it – especially in Oculus Quest Link.

I’d best get home chores done (was writing during breakfast) because if I win the SL auction, I will be busy setting up and decorating the parcel.

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