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Another home

Friend is building another house in SL. This one is bigger with a 2nd story, two sided fireplace and a very nice roof. I’ve been watching that being done as well as dancing with the alternate and sitting in the SL hot tubs. 😉

The second set of apartment rentals is set up, and I bought another parcel way out in another area. Keeping an eye out for another parcel near the main ones – auction or low cost parcels. Trying to decide which house to put there to rent out.

I do wish we didn’t have to pay for every uploaded photo. I took pics of my gingerbread house over Christmas and if I want to recreate it (alpha background) it will cost $40L. That $2.50 US dollars approximately. For something I will probably sell for $10L. But it’s cut and I wants it! Lol

Got new avatar face. I’ve also decided to use my avatar as my Facebook page face and not post photos of me there anymore. Slowly sliding away from Facebook, except to keep tabs on friends and neighbors. Haven’t done a lot in Fairy Crossing lately, except pay rent. Been out shopping with SL architect and finding new places to purchase items.

Today I think I will set up a platform to put a small apartment size house and plan what I will have in RL one when I move….

Maybe post some photos of things later…

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