
I’ve worked out some of how to use the new avatar body, but I need to get a new head and hair, because the hair and face needs to be more realistic, like the body does. And clothes, I need more clothes. Kinda skimpy on outfits UNLIKE RL where my bedroom is a walk in closet. LOL

Spent a lovely evening in Camera Cay with my architectural friend after home chores. Enjoyed the company and the activities.

I am waiting on an auction for a parcel next to my properties. I bought a 4 apartment section with lockable doors, so will be combining two parcels with a dock around it and then 4 meters of sailable water around as well. Waiting for the auction to be over. Don’t want to tip my hand about that. It will be a better use of those two parcels.

I sent my alt (“alt” is a term for someone that is really you, but is set up as a separate person online) to go fishing today. Would have made more, but chores needed doing and I couldn’t put that off. He’s kind of grunge, but that’s okay. Started out as female, but I wanted someone to dance with when there was nobody around. As well as someone to do the rental stuff.

Lots of people have alts, including my architect friend who has 3 (or 4 or 5?). Useful for lots of things – running stores, rentals, business of all kinds.

Magic Fishing: Yes, I and the alt have both made some money with it, without even using the extra props (special fishing rods, worms – although I did use the magic potions). I am thinking about putting a fishing station on my water properties to bring more people in, but I need to make a more interesting landing spot. Hopefully the locals will appreciate the extra traffic it will probably bring.

And if I hadn’t said it before, I am probably closing up most other homes and going rental except for the Big Blue House (Heaven). It has enough room for me (for once) and that will let me concentrate on the business and design end of things. So I’ll be working on how to do that in such a way that favors the neighborhood.

And one of my rentals that stands all alone just had quite a few adjacent parcels just “abandoned” recently. I’d like to purchase many of them, but to do that I need to come up with a bunch of moneys and be actively renting out when they come up for auction on SL. I’m trying to consolidate as much as possible until finances get to the point where I can buy a sim. (With several “layers” like someone I know.

It’s funny having conversations with an “alt”. It really feels like talking to a different person, even though (when you know it’s an alt) you know it’s the same person. But as reality stands, we are all here to learn and really are different in our the “soul” that we are given – without all these faults and difficulties. We don’t know what lessons our neighbors or ourselves are here to learn – – until we’ve learned them. What is it they say “Hurt people, hurt people”. MOST have been hurt but few have actually been healed. For those who have, it’s a miracle and all we want to do is heal others – in whatever way we can.

And with that, I’d better check on the (RL) piggies and get to bed.

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