
snow finally came

These were my steps this morning after partially cleared…

Got the steps done and out behind the car. I don’t have to go anywhere today and that’s a blessing.

I’ve decided to move a bunch (probably about a 3rd) of my stuff to storage this spring. This will mostly consist of papers to sort, videotapes, photographs and craft materials. Another 3rd will get let behind when I sell the house, because it is things FOR the house. So that will cut down on amounts. I just need to find somewhere close and not very worried about security – because the papers are old and outdated (tax filings under old name, medical, and writings, poetry) and everything else is either replaceable or not needed. But I can’t get to it at all while living here doing what I’m doing.

So then I’ll get on the waiting list for an income-based apartment and go to living on one story. My main concern is having room for my Exercycle. But maybe not, if I am close to the Y and then I can drop one of my automatic payments to the online fitness. I will have to cut back to two tv/monitors instead of four, but will probably have more storage in a kitchen area. Not sure about the piggies… Sammy *may* be gone by then, but I will still have three and have to go to stacking their cages – the two girls, then spike, the possibly Sammy on top. Eventually I will just have a pair of guinea pigs.

Mostly what I am finding now is that I’ve donated so much stuff that it is the containers that held my stuff which is piling up. Items like Empty filing baskets, plastic baskets that held shoes, small containers for jewelry I moved into another area. And I will still need to cut down on clothes. Since I know about the size of the place I am probably going to, I can plan ahead what stays and what goes. As a matter of fact, I can use a house in second life for that! Lol

So today I am play in Secondlife, looking around and figuring out how to get out of this place and generally taking it easy after the shoveling. Probably start that idea I mentioned about furniture decisions. Time to eat now…


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