Bought more Second Life Land

This category pertains to Second Life – I may go to multisite later. Currently I have quite a bit of property in 2nd life and am starting to learn the ropes of “Landlording” there. I went with Casperlet because that is what they have been using in Fairy Crossing for a long while (and I rent a place there in Madrigal from Fairy Crossing too).

I bid $550L on a place in Trapeti yesterday and got it. I went for it because it was nice and high up and I just love the gallery it is near ,where I bought a lovely “yard sculpture” that I will put out at one my residences. That’s the last place I will probably get until the rentals start generating income — unless an auction turns up next door to one of my parcels.

I will certainly be busy through this winter! 😛

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