
Well I have decided to move, if I haven’t already mentioned that. I don’t know when that’ll be. But I need to get away from this house – which is falling apart faster than I can fix it (except the kitchen). Also need to get away from rickety stairs, smelly cats in the neighborhood, high…

Somebody told me…

That I should get back in the “real world”. I’m sorry, but I am just as much in the real world as people who don’t play, and I’ll tell you why… People sit around on their chairs and couches watching tv most of the day. If I sit, I’m not just watching in Second Life….

Yesterday was a Bear

Yeah, a day worth writing about… First I needed to get gas for my car. So I went off to get that, and a Hardee’s frisco breakfast sandwich with my gift card from Ruritan. Of course, the gas station printer wasn’t working (it rarely is). So no receipt. So I get my sandwich and go…



So yesterday I saw an ad for an apartment. I don’t know if they have any available at the moment (the ad was a month old) but it looks similar to a place I lived when the kids were little. I’ve decided I want to get on their waiting list, and I have the money…


snow finally came

These were my steps this morning after partially cleared… Got the steps done and out behind the car. I don’t have to go anywhere today and that’s a blessing. I’ve decided to move a bunch (probably about a 3rd) of my stuff to storage this spring. This will mostly consist of papers to sort, videotapes,…

SL – Went Dancing

First – note to self… Secondlife doesn’t want you to sleep there. Second – I wasn’t sleepy so I went dancing with my alternate avatar. And Elliott says I forgot to put the coffee machine in my blue house, so I will do that today. As well, we need to put in the rental signs…

No church tomorrow.

We’re supposed to have ice on the roads so no church tomorrow. Good because there are some things I need to work on here in the house. Also I’d like to get back into oculus a bit, using VZfit again. I’ve been lax – and it shows. I got a new headset that will work…